
Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book is packed with practical guidance on how to evangelize covenant children and how, by God’s grace, to make the home “a nursery for heaven.” After showing that Christians today fail to understand the role of the covenant in their children’s lives, Joel R. Beeke offers insight on the covenant relationship between God and man, and its implications for home and family. He then teaches...

Once you have explained the gospel content to your children, how do you use that to confront your children with the claims of the gospel? You must first realize as parents that you are primarily responsible for the evangelism of your children. Practically speaking, that means making sure that any person, institution, or thing that has regular influence over your child for any length of time—be that a church and its office-bearers, a school and its teachers, a babysitter, or the
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